Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping, Sequence
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Any, Callable

import dask.array as da
from dask_image.ndfilters import gaussian_filter as dask_gf
from scanpy import logging as logg
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter as scipy_gf

from squidpy._constants._constants import Processing
from squidpy._constants._pkg_constants import Key
from squidpy._docs import d, inject_docs
from squidpy._utils import NDArrayA
from import ImageContainer

__all__ = ["process"]

[docs] @d.dedent @inject_docs(p=Processing) def process( img: ImageContainer, layer: str | None = None, library_id: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, method: str | Callable[..., NDArrayA] = "smooth", chunks: int | None = None, lazy: bool = False, layer_added: str | None = None, channel_dim: str | None = None, copy: bool = False, apply_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({}), **kwargs: Any, ) -> ImageContainer | None: """ Process an image by applying a transformation. Parameters ---------- %(img_container)s %(img_layer)s %(library_id)s If `None`, all Z-dimensions are processed at once, treating the image as a 3D volume. method Processing method to use. Valid options are: - `{p.SMOOTH.s!r}` - :func:`skimage.filters.gaussian`. - `{p.GRAY.s!r}` - :func:`skimage.color.rgb2gray`. %(custom_fn)s %(chunks_lazy)s %(layer_added)s If `None`, use ``'{{layer}}_{{method}}'``. channel_dim Name of the channel dimension of the new image layer. Default is the same as the original, if the processing function does not change the number of channels, and ``'{{channel}}_{{processing}}'`` otherwise. %(copy_cont)s apply_kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:``. kwargs Keyword arguments for ``method``. Returns ------- If ``copy = True``, returns a new container with the processed image in ``'{{layer_added}}'``. Otherwise, modifies the ``img`` with the following key: - :class:`` ``['{{layer_added}}']`` - the processed image. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If ``method`` has not been implemented. """ from import _to_grayscale layer = img._get_layer(layer) method = Processing(method) if isinstance(method, (str, Processing)) else method # type: ignore[assignment] apply_kwargs = dict(apply_kwargs) apply_kwargs["lazy"] = lazy if channel_dim is None: channel_dim = str(img[layer].dims[-1]) layer_new = Key.img.process(method, layer, layer_added=layer_added) if callable(method): callback = method elif method == Processing.SMOOTH: # type: ignore[comparison-overlap] if library_id is None: expected_ndim = 4 kwargs.setdefault("sigma", [1, 1, 0, 0]) # y, x, z, c else: expected_ndim = 3 kwargs.setdefault("sigma", [1, 1, 0]) # y, x, c sigma = kwargs["sigma"] if isinstance(sigma, int): kwargs["sigma"] = sigma = [sigma, sigma] + [0] * (expected_ndim - 2) if len(sigma) != expected_ndim: raise ValueError(f"Expected `sigma` to be of length `{expected_ndim}`, found `{len(sigma)}`.") if chunks is not None: # dask_image already handles map_overlap chunks_, chunks = chunks, None callback = lambda arr, **kwargs: dask_gf(da.asarray(arr).rechunk(chunks_), **kwargs) # noqa: E731 else: callback = scipy_gf elif method == Processing.GRAY: # type: ignore[comparison-overlap] apply_kwargs["drop_axis"] = 3 callback = _to_grayscale else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Method `{method}` is not yet implemented.") # to which library_ids should this function be applied? if library_id is not None: callback = {lid: callback for lid in img._get_library_ids(library_id)} # type: ignore[assignment] start ="Processing image using `{method}` method") res: ImageContainer = img.apply( callback, layer=layer, copy=True, drop=copy, chunks=chunks, fn_kwargs=kwargs, **apply_kwargs ) # if the method changes the number of channels if res[layer].shape[-1] != img[layer].shape[-1]: modifier = "_".join(layer_new.split("_")[1:]) if layer_added is None else layer_added channel_dim = f"{channel_dim}_{modifier}" res._data ={res[layer].dims[-1]: channel_dim})"Finish", time=start) if copy: return res.rename(layer, layer_new) img.add_img( img=res[layer], layer=layer_new, copy=False, lazy=lazy, dims=res[layer].dims, library_id=img[layer].coords["z"].values, )