Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, TypeAlias, TypeVar, Union

import dask.array as da
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import validators
import xarray as xr
from anndata import AnnData
from dask import delayed
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from scanpy import logging as logg
from scanpy.plotting.palettes import default_102 as default_palette
from skimage.transform import rescale
from skimage.util import img_as_float

from squidpy._constants._constants import InferDimensions
from squidpy._constants._pkg_constants import Key
from squidpy._docs import d, inject_docs
from squidpy._utils import NDArrayA, deprecated, singledispatchmethod
from import (
from import (
from import FeatureMixin
from import _assert_dims_present, _infer_dimensions, _lazy_load_image

FoI_t: TypeAlias = int | float
Pathlike_t: TypeAlias = str | Path
Arraylike_t: TypeAlias = NDArrayA | xr.DataArray
InferDims_t: TypeAlias = Literal["default", "prefer_channels", "prefer_z"] | Sequence[str]
Input_t: TypeAlias = Pathlike_t | Arraylike_t | Literal["ImageContainer"]
Interactive = TypeVar("Interactive")  # cannot import because of cyclic dependencies
_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED_LIBID = f"It seems there are multiple `library_id` in `adata.uns[{Key.uns.spatial!r}]`.\n \
                                Loading multiple images is not implemented (yet), please specify a `library_id`."

__all__ = ["ImageContainer"]

[docs] @d.dedent # trick to overcome not top-down order @d.dedent class ImageContainer(FeatureMixin): """ Container for in memory arrays or on-disk images. Wraps :class:`xarray.Dataset` to store several image layers with the same `x`, `y` and `z` dimensions in one object. Dimensions of stored images are ``(y, x, z, channels)``. The channel dimension may vary between image layers. This class also allows for lazy loading and processing using :mod:`dask`, and is given to all image processing functions, along with :class:`anndata.AnnData` instance, if necessary. Parameters ---------- %(add_img.parameters)s scale Scaling factor of the image with respect to the spatial coordinates saved in the accompanying :class:`anndata.AnnData`. Raises ------ %(add_img.raises)s """ def __init__( self, img: Input_t | None = None, layer: str = "image", lazy: bool = True, scale: float = 1.0, **kwargs: Any, ): self._data: xr.Dataset = xr.Dataset() self._data.attrs[Key.img.coords] = _NULL_COORDS # can't save None to NetCDF self._data.attrs[Key.img.padding] = _NULL_PADDING self._data.attrs[Key.img.scale] = scale self._data.attrs[Key.img.mask_circle] = False if img is not None: self.add_img(img, layer=layer, **kwargs) if not lazy: self.compute()
[docs] @classmethod def concat( cls, imgs: Iterable[ImageContainer], library_ids: Sequence[str | None] | None = None, combine_attrs: str = "identical", **kwargs: Any, ) -> ImageContainer: """ Concatenate ``imgs`` in Z-dimension. All ``imgs`` need to have the same shape and the same name to be concatenated. Parameters ---------- imgs Images that should be concatenated in Z-dimension. library_ids Name for each image that will be associated to each Z-dimension. This should match the ``library_id`` in the corresponding :class:`anndata.AnnData` object. If `None`, the existing name of the Z-dimension is used for each image. combine_attrs How to combine attributes of ``imgs``. By default, all ``imgs`` need to have the same scale and crop attributes. Use ``combine_attrs = 'override'`` to relax this requirement. This might lead to a mismatch between :class:`ImageContainer` and :class:`anndata.AnnData` coordinates. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`xarray.concat`. Returns ------- Concatenated :class:`squidpy.img.ImageContainer` with ``imgs`` stacks in Z-dimension. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the ``imgs`` have more than 1 Z-dimension or if ``library_ids`` are not unique. """ # check that imgs are not already 3d imgs = list(imgs) for img in imgs: if["z"] > 1: raise ValueError( f"Currently, can concatenate only images with 1 Z-dimension, found `{['z']}`." ) # check library_ids if library_ids is None: library_ids = [None] * len(imgs) if len(library_ids) != len(imgs): raise ValueError(f"Expected library ids to be of length `{len(imgs)}`, found `{len(library_ids)}`.") _library_ids = np.concatenate( [ img._get_library_ids(library_id, allow_new=True) for img, library_id in zip(imgs, library_ids, strict=False) ] ) if len(set(_library_ids)) != len(_library_ids): raise ValueError(f"Found non-unique library ids `{list(_library_ids)}`.") # add library_id to z dim prep_imgs = [] for lid, img in zip(_library_ids, imgs, strict=False): prep_img = img.copy() prep_img._data =[lid]) prep_imgs.append(prep_img) return cls._from_dataset( xr.concat( [ for img in prep_imgs], dim="z", combine_attrs=combine_attrs, **kwargs, ) )
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path: Pathlike_t, lazy: bool = True, chunks: int | None = None) -> ImageContainer: """ Load data from a *Zarr* store. Parameters ---------- path Path to *Zarr* store. lazy Whether to use :mod:`dask` to lazily load image. chunks Chunk size for :mod:`dask`. Only used when ``lazy = True``. Returns ------- The loaded container. """ res = cls() res.add_img(path, layer="image", chunks=chunks, lazy=True) return res if lazy else res.compute()
[docs] def save(self, path: Pathlike_t, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Save the container into a *Zarr* store. Parameters ---------- path Path to a *Zarr* store. Returns ------- Nothing, just saves the container. """ attrs = try: self._data = # if we're loading lazily and immediately saving = { k: (v.to_tuple() if isinstance(v, TupleSerializer) else v) for k, v in }, mode="w", **kwargs, **kwargs) finally: = attrs
[docs] @d.get_sections(base="add_img", sections=["Parameters", "Raises"]) @d.dedent @inject_docs(id=InferDimensions) def add_img( self, img: Input_t, layer: str | None = None, dims: InferDims_t = InferDimensions.DEFAULT.s, library_id: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, lazy: bool = True, chunks: str | tuple[int, ...] | None = None, copy: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Add a new image to the container. Parameters ---------- img In-memory 2, 3 or 4-dimensional array, a URL to a *Zarr* store (ending in *.zarr*), or a path to an on-disk image. %(img_layer)s dims Where to save channel dimension when reading from a file or loading an array. Valid options are: - `{id.CHANNELS_LAST.s!r}` - load the last non-spatial dimension as channels. - `{id.Z_LAST.s!r}` - load the last non-spatial dimension as Z-dimension. - `{id.DEFAULT.s!r}` - same as `{id.CHANNELS_LAST.s!r}`, but for 4-dimensional arrays, tries to also load the first dimension as channels if the last non-spatial dimension is 1. - a sequence of dimension names matching the shape of ``img``, e.g. ``('y', 'x', 'z', 'channels')``. `'y'`, `'x'` and `'z'` must always be present. library_id Name for each Z-dimension of the image. This should correspond to the ``library_id`` in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns`. lazy Whether to use :mod:`dask` to lazily load image. chunks Chunk size for :mod:`dask`. Only used when ``lazy = True``. copy Whether to copy the underlying data if ``img`` is an in-memory array. Returns ------- Nothing, just adds a new ``layer`` to :attr:`data`. Raises ------ ValueError If loading from a file/store with an unknown format or if a supplied channel dimension cannot be aligned. NotImplementedError If loading a specific data type has not been implemented. """ layer = self._get_next_image_id("image") if layer is None else layer dims: InferDimensions | Sequence[str] = ( # type: ignore[no-redef] InferDimensions(dims) if isinstance(dims, str) else dims ) res: xr.DataArray | None = self._load_img(img, chunks=chunks, layer=layer, copy=copy, dims=dims, **kwargs) if res is not None: library_id = self._get_library_ids(library_id, res, allow_new=not len(self)) try: res = res.assign_coords({"z": library_id}) except ValueError as e: if "conflicting sizes for dimension 'z'" not in str(e): raise # at this point, we know the container is not empty raise ValueError( f"Expected image to have `{len(self.library_ids)}` Z-dimension(s), found `{res.sizes['z']}`." ) from None if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(res, xr.DataArray)"{'Overwriting' if layer in self else 'Adding'} image layer `{layer}`") try:[layer] = res except ValueError as e: c_dim = res.dims[-1] if f"cannot reindex or align along dimension {str(c_dim)!r}" not in str(e): raise channel_dim = self._get_next_channel_id(res) logg.warning(f"Channel dimension cannot be aligned with an existing one, using `{channel_dim}`")[layer] = res.rename({res.dims[-1]: channel_dim}) if not lazy: self.compute(layer)
@singledispatchmethod def _load_img(self, img: Pathlike_t | Input_t | ImageContainer, layer: str, **kwargs: Any) -> xr.DataArray | None: if isinstance(img, ImageContainer): if layer not in img: raise KeyError(f"Image identifier `{layer}` not found in `{img}`.") _ = kwargs.pop("dims", None) return self._load_img(img[layer], **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError(f"Loading `{type(img).__name__}` is not yet implemented.") @_load_img.register(str) @_load_img.register(Path) def _( self, img_path: Pathlike_t, chunks: int | None = None, dims: InferDimensions | tuple[str, ...] = InferDimensions.DEFAULT, **_: Any, ) -> xr.DataArray | None: def transform_metadata(data: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: for key, img in data.items(): if len(img.dims) != 4: data[key] = img = img.expand_dims({"z": 1}, axis=-2) # assume only channel dim is present _assert_dims_present(img.dims, include_z=True) data.attrs[Key.img.coords] = CropCoords.from_tuple(data.attrs.get(Key.img.coords, _NULL_COORDS.to_tuple())) data.attrs[Key.img.padding] = CropPadding.from_tuple( data.attrs.get(Key.img.padding, _NULL_PADDING.to_tuple()) ) data.attrs.setdefault(Key.img.mask_circle, False) data.attrs.setdefault(Key.img.scale, 1) return data img_path = str(img_path) is_url, suffix = validators.url(img_path), Path(img_path).suffix.lower() logg.debug(f"Loading data from `{img_path}`") if not is_url and not Path(img_path).exists(): raise OSError(f"Path `{img_path}` does not exist.") if suffix in (".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".tif", ".tiff"): return _lazy_load_image(img_path, dims=dims, chunks=chunks) if suffix == ".zarr" or Path(img_path).is_dir(): # can also be a URL if len(self._data): raise ValueError("Loading data from `Zarr` store is disallowed when the container is not empty.") self._data = transform_metadata(xr.open_zarr(img_path, chunks=chunks)) elif suffix in (".nc", ".cdf"): if len(self._data): raise ValueError("Loading data from `NetCDF` is disallowed when the container is not empty.") self._data = transform_metadata(xr.open_dataset(img_path, chunks=chunks)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to handle path `{img_path}`.") @_load_img.register(da.Array) @_load_img.register(np.ndarray) def _( self, img: NDArrayA, copy: bool = True, dims: InferDimensions | tuple[str, ...] = InferDimensions.DEFAULT, **_: Any, ) -> xr.DataArray: logg.debug(f"Loading `numpy.array` of shape `{img.shape}`") return self._load_img(xr.DataArray(img), copy=copy, dims=dims, warn=False) @_load_img.register(xr.DataArray) def _( self, img: xr.DataArray, copy: bool = True, warn: bool = True, dims: InferDimensions | tuple[str, ...] = InferDimensions.DEFAULT, **_: Any, ) -> xr.DataArray: logg.debug(f"Loading `xarray.DataArray` of shape `{img.shape}`") img = img.copy() if copy else img if not ("y" in img.dims and "x" in img.dims and "z" in img.dims): _, dims, _, expand_axes = _infer_dimensions(img, infer_dimensions=dims) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(dims, Iterable) if warn: logg.warning(f"Unable to find `y`, `x` or `z` dimension in `{img.dims}`. Renaming to `{dims}`") # `axes` is always of length 0, 1 or 2 if len(expand_axes): dimnames = ("z", "channels") if len(expand_axes) == 2 else (("channels",) if "z" in dims else ("z",)) img = img.expand_dims([d for _, d in zip(expand_axes, dimnames, strict=False)], axis=expand_axes) img = img.rename(dict(zip(img.dims, dims, strict=False))) return img.transpose("y", "x", "z", ...)
[docs] @classmethod @d.dedent def from_adata( cls, adata: AnnData, img_key: str | None = None, library_id: Sequence[str] | str | None = None, spatial_key: str = Key.uns.spatial, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ImageContainer: """ Load an image from :mod:`anndata` object. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s img_key Key in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{spatial_key}']['{library_id}']['images']``. If `None`, the first key found is used. library_id Key in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{spatial_key}']`` specifying which library to access. spatial_key Key in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` where spatial metadata is stored. kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:``. Returns ------- The image container. """ library_id = Key.uns.library_id(adata, spatial_key, library_id) if not isinstance(library_id, str): raise NotImplementedError(_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED_LIBID) spatial_data = adata.uns[spatial_key][library_id] if img_key is None: try: img_key = next(k for k in spatial_data.get("images", [])) except StopIteration: raise KeyError(f"No images found in `adata.uns[{spatial_key!r}][{library_id!r}]['images']`") from None img: NDArrayA | None = spatial_data.get("images", {}).get(img_key, None) if img is None: raise KeyError( f"Unable to find the image in `adata.uns[{spatial_key!r}][{library_id!r}]['images'][{img_key!r}]`." ) scale = spatial_data.get("scalefactors", {}).get(f"tissue_{img_key}_scalef", None) if scale is None and "scale" not in kwargs: logg.warning( f"Unable to determine the scale factor from " f"`adata.uns[{spatial_key!r}][{library_id!r}]['scalefactors']['tissue_{img_key}_scalef']`, " f"using `1.0`. Consider specifying it manually as `scale=...`" ) scale = 1.0 kwargs.setdefault("scale", scale) return cls(img, layer=img_key, library_id=library_id, **kwargs)
[docs] @d.get_sections(base="crop_corner", sections=["Parameters", "Returns"]) @d.dedent def crop_corner( self, y: FoI_t, x: FoI_t, size: FoI_t | tuple[FoI_t, FoI_t] | None = None, library_id: str | None = None, scale: float = 1.0, cval: int | float = 0, mask_circle: bool = False, preserve_dtypes: bool = True, ) -> ImageContainer: """ Extract a crop from the upper-left corner. Parameters ---------- %(yx)s %(size)s library_id Name of the Z-dimension to be cropped. If `None`, all Z-dimensions are cropped. scale Rescale the crop using :func:`skimage.transform.rescale`. cval Fill value to use if ``mask_circle = True`` or if crop goes out of the image boundary. mask_circle Whether to mask out values that are not within a circle defined by this crop. Only available if ``size`` defines a square. preserve_dtypes Whether to preserver the data types of underlying :class:`xarray.DataArray`, even if ``cval`` is of different type. Returns ------- The cropped image of size ``size * scale``. Raises ------ ValueError If the crop would completely lie outside of the image or if ``mask_circle = True`` and ``size`` does not define a square. Notes ----- If ``preserve_dtypes = True`` but ``cval`` cannot be safely cast, ``cval`` will be set to 0. """ self._assert_not_empty() y, x = self._convert_to_pixel_space((y, x)) size = self._get_size(size) size = self._convert_to_pixel_space(size) ys, xs = size _assert_positive(ys, name="height") _assert_positive(xs, name="width") _assert_positive(scale, name="scale") orig = CropCoords(x0=x, y0=y, x1=x + xs, y1=y + ys) ymin, xmin = self.shape coords = CropCoords( x0=min(max(x, 0), xmin), y0=min(max(y, 0), ymin), x1=min(x + xs, xmin), y1=min(y + ys, ymin), ) if not coords.dy: raise ValueError("Height of the crop is empty.") if not coords.dx: raise ValueError("Width of the crop is empty.") crop =, coords.x1), y=slice(coords.y0, coords.y1)).copy(deep=False) if len(crop.z) > 1: crop = crop.sel(z=self._get_library_ids(library_id)) crop.attrs = _update_attrs_coords(crop.attrs, coords) if orig != coords: padding = orig - coords # because padding does not change dtype by itself for key, arr in crop.items(): if preserve_dtypes: cval_dtype = np.asarray(cval).dtype if not np.can_cast(cval_dtype, arr.dtype, casting="safe"): cval = 0 else: crop[key] = crop[key].astype(np.dtype(type(cval)), copy=False) crop = crop.pad( y=(padding.y_pre, padding.y_post), x=(padding.x_pre, padding.x_post), mode="constant", constant_values=cval, ) crop.attrs[Key.img.padding] = padding else: crop.attrs[Key.img.padding] = _NULL_PADDING return self._from_dataset( self._post_process( data=crop, scale=scale, cval=cval, mask_circle=mask_circle, preserve_dtypes=preserve_dtypes, ) )
def _post_process( self, data: xr.Dataset, scale: FoI_t = 1, cval: FoI_t = 0, mask_circle: bool = False, preserve_dtypes: bool = True, **_: Any, ) -> xr.Dataset: def _rescale(arr: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: scaling_fn = partial( rescale, preserve_range=True, scale=[scale, scale, 1], order=1, channel_axis=-1, cval=cval, clip=False, ) dtype = arr.dtype if isinstance(, da.Array): shape = np.maximum(np.round(scale * np.asarray(arr.shape)), 1) shape[-1] = arr.shape[-1] shape[-2] = arr.shape[-2] return xr.DataArray( da.from_delayed( delayed(lambda arr: scaling_fn(arr).astype(dtype))(arr), shape=shape, dtype=dtype, ), dims=arr.dims, ) return xr.DataArray(scaling_fn(arr).astype(dtype), dims=arr.dims) if scale != 1: attrs = data.attrs library_ids = data.coords["z"] data ={"z": library_ids}) data.attrs = _update_attrs_scale(attrs, scale) if mask_circle: if data.sizes["y"] != data.sizes["x"]: raise ValueError( f"Masking circle is only available for square crops, " f"found crop of shape `{(data.sizes['y'], data.sizes['x'])}`." ) c = data.x.shape[0] // 2 # manually reassign coordinates library_ids = data.coords["z"] data = data.where((data.x - c) ** 2 + (data.y - c) ** 2 <= c**2, other=cval).assign_coords( {"z": library_ids} ) data.attrs[Key.img.mask_circle] = True if preserve_dtypes: for key, arr in data[key] = data[key].astype(arr.dtype, copy=False) return data
[docs] @d.dedent def crop_center( self, y: FoI_t, x: FoI_t, radius: FoI_t | tuple[FoI_t, FoI_t], **kwargs: Any, ) -> ImageContainer: """ Extract a circular crop. The extracted crop will have shape ``(radius[0] * 2 + 1, radius[1] * 2 + 1)``. Parameters ---------- %(yx)s radius Radius along the ``height`` and ``width`` dimensions, respectively. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`crop_corner`. Returns ------- %(crop_corner.returns)s """ y, x = self._convert_to_pixel_space((y, x)) _assert_in_range(y, 0, self.shape[0], name="height") _assert_in_range(x, 0, self.shape[1], name="width") if not isinstance(radius, Iterable): radius = (radius, radius) (yr, xr) = self._convert_to_pixel_space(radius) _assert_non_negative(yr, name="radius height") _assert_non_negative(xr, name="radius width") return self.crop_corner( # type: ignore[no-any-return] y=y - yr, x=x - xr, size=(yr * 2 + 1, xr * 2 + 1), **kwargs )
[docs] @d.dedent def generate_equal_crops( self, size: FoI_t | tuple[FoI_t, FoI_t] | None = None, as_array: str | bool = False, squeeze: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterator[ImageContainer] | Iterator[dict[str, NDArrayA]]: """ Decompose image into equally sized crops. Parameters ---------- %(size)s %(as_array)s squeeze Remove singleton dimensions from the results if ``as_array = True``. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`crop_corner`. Yields ------ The crops, whose type depends on ``as_array``. Notes ----- Crops going outside out of the image boundary are padded with ``cval``. """ self._assert_not_empty() size = self._get_size(size) size = self._convert_to_pixel_space(size) y, x = self.shape ys, xs = size _assert_in_range(ys, 0, y, name="height") _assert_in_range(xs, 0, x, name="width") unique_ycoord = np.arange(start=0, stop=(y // ys + (y % ys != 0)) * ys, step=ys) unique_xcoord = np.arange(start=0, stop=(x // xs + (x % xs != 0)) * xs, step=xs) ycoords = np.repeat(unique_ycoord, len(unique_xcoord)) xcoords = np.tile(unique_xcoord, len(unique_ycoord)) for y, x in zip(ycoords, xcoords, strict=False): yield self.crop_corner(y=y, x=x, size=(ys, xs), **kwargs)._maybe_as_array( as_array, squeeze=squeeze, lazy=True )
[docs] @d.dedent def generate_spot_crops( self, adata: AnnData, spatial_key: str = Key.obsm.spatial, library_id: Sequence[str] | str | None = None, spot_diameter_key: str = "spot_diameter_fullres", spot_scale: float = 1.0, obs_names: Iterable[Any] | None = None, as_array: str | bool = False, squeeze: bool = True, return_obs: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterator[ImageContainer] | Iterator[NDArrayA] | Iterator[tuple[NDArrayA, ...]] | Iterator[dict[str, NDArrayA]]: """ Iterate over :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs_names` and extract crops. Implemented for 10X spatial datasets. For Z-stacks, the specified ``library_id`` or list of ``library_id`` need to match the name of the Z-dimension. Always extracts 2D crops from the specified Z-dimension. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s %(spatial_key)s %(img_library_id)s spot_diameter_key Key in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{spatial_key}']['{library_id}']['scalefactors']`` where the spot diameter is stored. spot_scale Scaling factor for the spot diameter. Larger values mean more context. obs_names Observations from :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs_names` for which to generate the crops. If `None`, all observations are used. %(as_array)s squeeze Remove singleton dimensions from the results if ``as_array = True``. return_obs Whether to also yield names from ``obs_names``. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`crop_center`. Yields ------ If ``return_obs = True``, yields a :class:`tuple` ``(crop, obs_name)``. Otherwise, yields just the crops. The type of the crops depends on ``as_array`` and the number of dimensions on ``squeeze``. """ self._assert_not_empty() _assert_positive(spot_scale, name="scale") _assert_spatial_basis(adata, spatial_key) # limit to obs_names if obs_names is None: obs_names = adata.obs_names obs_names = _assert_non_empty_sequence(obs_names, name="observations") adata = adata[obs_names, :] scale =, 1) spatial = adata.obsm[spatial_key][:, :2] if library_id is None: try: library_id = Key.uns.library_id(adata, spatial_key=spatial_key, library_id=None) if not isinstance(library_id, str): raise NotImplementedError(_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED_LIBID) obs_library_ids = [library_id] * adata.n_obs except ValueError as e: if "Unable to determine which library id to use" in str(e): raise ValueError( str(e) + " Or specify a key in `adata.obs` containing a mapping from observations to library ids." ) from e else: raise e else: try: obs_library_ids = list(adata.obs[library_id]) except KeyError: logg.debug( f"Unable to find library ids in `adata.obs[{library_id!r}]`. " f"Trying in `adata.uns[{spatial_key!r}]`" ) library_id = Key.uns.library_id(adata, spatial_key=spatial_key, library_id=library_id) if not isinstance(library_id, str): raise NotImplementedError(_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED_LIBID) from None obs_library_ids = [library_id] * adata.n_obs lids = set(obs_library_ids) if len( > 1 and len(lids) == 1: logg.warning( f"ImageContainer has `{len(}` Z-dimensions, using library id `{next(iter(lids))}` for all" ) if adata.n_obs != len(obs_library_ids): raise ValueError(f"Expected library ids to be of length `{adata.n_obs}`, found `{len(obs_library_ids)}`.") for i, (obs, lid) in enumerate(zip(adata.obs_names, obs_library_ids, strict=False)): # get spot diameter of current obs (might be different library ids) diameter = ( Key.uns.spot_diameter( adata, spatial_key=spatial_key, library_id=lid, spot_diameter_key=spot_diameter_key, ) * scale ) radius = int(round(diameter // 2 * spot_scale)) # get coords in image pixel space from original space y = int(spatial[i][1] * scale) x = int(spatial[i][0] * scale) # if CropCoords exist, need to offset y and x if, _NULL_COORDS) != _NULL_COORDS: y = int(y -[Key.img.coords].y0) x = int(x -[Key.img.coords].x0) crop = self.crop_center(y=y, x=x, radius=radius, library_id=obs_library_ids[i], **kwargs)[Key.img.obs] = obs crop = crop._maybe_as_array(as_array, squeeze=squeeze, lazy=False) yield (crop, obs) if return_obs else crop
[docs] @classmethod @d.get_sections(base="uncrop", sections=["Parameters", "Returns"]) def uncrop( cls, crops: list[ImageContainer], shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None, ) -> ImageContainer: """ Re-assemble image from crops and their positions. Fills remaining positions with zeros. Parameters ---------- crops List of image crops. shape Requested image shape as ``(height, width)``. If `None`, it is automatically determined from ``crops``. Returns ------- Re-assembled image from ``crops``. Raises ------ ValueError If crop metadata was not found or if the requested ``shape`` is smaller than required by ``crops``. """ if not len(crops): raise ValueError("No crops were supplied.") keys = set(crops[0].data.keys()) scales = set() dy, dx = -1, -1 for crop in crops: if set( != keys: raise KeyError(f"Expected to find `{sorted(keys)}` keys, found `{sorted(}`.") coord =, None) if coord is None: raise ValueError("Crop does not have coordinate metadata.") if coord == _NULL_COORDS: raise ValueError(f"Null coordinates detected `{coord}`.") scales.add(, None)) dy, dx = max(dy, coord.y0 + coord.dy), max(dx, coord.x0 + coord.dx) scales.discard(None) if len(scales) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Unable to uncrop images of different scales `{sorted(scales)}`.") scale, *_ = scales if shape is None: shape = (dy, dx) # can be float because coords can be scaled shape = tuple(map(int, shape)) # type: ignore[assignment] if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected `shape` to be of length `2`, found `{len(shape)}`.") if shape < (dy, dx): raise ValueError(f"Requested final image shape `{shape}`, but minimal is `({dy}, {dx})`.") # create resulting dataset dataset = xr.Dataset() dataset.attrs[Key.img.scale] = scale for key in keys: img =[key] # get shape for this DataArray dataset[key] = xr.DataArray( np.zeros(shape + tuple(img.shape[2:]), dtype=img.dtype), dims=img.dims, coords=img.coords, ) # fill data with crops for crop in crops: coord =[Key.img.coords] padding =, _NULL_PADDING) # maybe warn dataset[key][coord.slice] = crop[key][coord.to_image_coordinates(padding=padding).slice] return cls._from_dataset(dataset)
[docs] @d.dedent def show( self, layer: str | None = None, library_id: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, channel: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, channelwise: bool = False, segmentation_layer: str | None = None, segmentation_alpha: float = 0.75, transpose: bool | None = None, ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None, figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = None, dpi: int | None = None, save: Pathlike_t | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Show an image within this container. Parameters ---------- %(img_layer)s library_id Name of Z-dimension to plot. In `None`, plot all Z-dimensions as separate images. channel Channels to plot. If `None`, use all channels. channelwise Whether to plot each channel separately or not. segmentation_layer Segmentation layer to plot over each ax. segmentation_alpha Alpha value for ``segmentation_layer``. transpose Whether to plot Z-dimensions in columns or in rows. If `None`, it will be set to ``not channelwise``. ax Optional :mod:`matplotlib` axes where to plot the image. If not `None`, ``save``, ``figsize`` and ``dpi`` have no effect. %(plotting)s kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`. Returns ------- %(plotting_returns)s Raises ------ ValueError If number of supplied axes is different than the number of requested Z-dimensions or channels. """ from import save_fig layer = self._get_layer(layer) arr: xr.DataArray = self[layer] library_ids = self._get_library_ids(library_id) arr = arr.sel(z=library_ids) if channel is not None: if isinstance(channel, int): channel = [channel] else: channel = list(channel) if not channel: raise ValueError("No channels have been selected.") arr = arr[{arr.dims[-1]: channel}] else: channel = list(range(arr.shape[-1])) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(channel, Sequence) n_channels = arr.shape[-1] if n_channels not in (1, 3, 4) and not channelwise: logg.warning(f"Unable to plot image with `{n_channels}`. Setting `channelwise=True`") channelwise = True if transpose is None: transpose = not channelwise fig = None nrows, ncols = len(library_ids), (n_channels if channelwise else 1) if transpose: nrows, ncols = ncols, nrows if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(8, 8) if figsize is None else figsize, dpi=dpi, tight_layout=True, squeeze=False, ) elif isinstance(ax, mpl.axes.Axes): ax = np.array([ax]) ax = np.asarray(ax) try: ax = ax.reshape(nrows, ncols) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Expected `ax` to be of shape `{(nrows, ncols)}`, found `{ax.shape}`.") from None if segmentation_layer is not None: seg_arr = self[segmentation_layer].sel(z=library_ids) if not seg_arr.attrs.get("segmentation", False): raise TypeError(f"Expected layer `{segmentation_layer!r}` to be marked as segmentation layer.") if not np.issubdtype(seg_arr.dtype, np.integer): raise TypeError( f"Expected segmentation layer `{segmentation_layer!r}` to be of integer type, " f"found `{seg_arr.dtype}`." ) seg_arr = seg_arr.values seg_cmap = np.array(default_palette, dtype=object)[np.arange(np.max(seg_arr)) % len(default_palette)] seg_cmap[0] = "#00000000" # transparent background seg_cmap = ListedColormap(seg_cmap) else: seg_arr, seg_cmap = None, None for z, row in enumerate(ax): for c, ax_ in enumerate(row): if transpose: z, c = c, z title = layer if channelwise: img = arr[..., z, c] title += f":{channel[c]}" else: img = arr[..., z, :] if len(["z"]) > 1: title += f", library_id:{library_ids[z]}" ax_.imshow(img_as_float(img.values, force_copy=False), **kwargs) if seg_arr is not None: ax_.imshow( seg_arr[:, :, z, ...], cmap=seg_cmap, interpolation="nearest", # avoid artifacts alpha=segmentation_alpha, **{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in ("cmap", "interpolation")}, ) ax_.set_title(title) ax_.set_axis_off() if save and fig is not None: save_fig(fig, save)
[docs] @d.get_sections(base="_interactive", sections=["Parameters"]) @d.dedent @deprecated( reason="The squidpy napari plugin is deprecated, please use", ) def interactive( self, adata: AnnData, spatial_key: str = Key.obsm.spatial, library_key: str | None = None, library_id: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, cmap: str = "viridis", palette: str | None = None, blending: Literal["opaque", "translucent", "additive"] = "opaque", symbol: Literal["disc", "square"] = "disc", key_added: str = "shapes", ) -> Interactive: # type: ignore[type-var] """ Launch :mod:`napari` viewer. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s %(spatial_key)s library_key Key in :attr:`adata.AnnData.obs` specifying mapping between observations and library ids. Required if the container has more than 1 Z-dimension. library_id Subset of library ids to visualize. If `None`, visualize all library ids. cmap Colormap for continuous variables. palette Colormap for categorical variables in :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs`. If `None`, use :mod:`scanpy`'s default. blending Method which determines how RGB and alpha values of :class:`napari.layers.Shapes` are mixed. symbol Symbol to use for the spots. Valid options are: - `'disc'` - circle. - `'square'` - square. key_added Key where to store :class:`napari.layers.Shapes`, which can be exported by pressing `SHIFT-E`: - :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` ``['{layer_name}_{key_added}']`` - boolean mask containing the selected cells. - :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{layer_name}_{key_added}']['meshes']`` - list of :class:`numpy.array`, defining a mesh in the spatial coordinates. See :mod:`napari`'s `tutorial <>`_ for more information about different mesh types, such as circles, squares etc. Returns ------- Interactive view of this container. Screenshot of the canvas can be taken by :meth:``. """ from import Interactive # type: ignore[attr-defined] return Interactive( # type: ignore[no-any-return] img=self, adata=adata, spatial_key=spatial_key, library_key=library_key, library_id=library_id, cmap=cmap, palette=palette, blending=blending, key_added=key_added, symbol=symbol, ).show()
[docs] @d.dedent def apply( self, func: Callable[..., NDArrayA] | Mapping[str, Callable[..., NDArrayA]], layer: str | None = None, new_layer: str | None = None, channel: int | None = None, lazy: bool = False, chunks: str | tuple[int, int] | None = None, copy: bool = True, drop: bool = True, fn_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({}), **kwargs: Any, ) -> ImageContainer | None: """ Apply a function to a layer within this container. For each Z-dimension a different function can be defined, using its ``library_id`` name. For not mentioned ``library_id``'s the identity function is applied. Parameters ---------- func A function or a mapping of ``{'{library_id}': function}`` which takes a :class:`numpy.ndarray` as input and produces an image-like output. %(img_layer)s new_layer Name of the new layer. If `None` and ``copy = False``, overwrites the data in ``layer``. channel Apply ``func`` only over a specific ``channel``. If `None`, use all channels. chunks Chunk size for :mod:`dask`. If `None`, don't use :mod:`dask`. %(copy_cont)s drop Whether to drop Z-dimensions that were not selected by ``func``. Only used when ``copy = True``. fn_kwargs Keyword arguments for ``func``. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`dask.array.map_overlap` or :func:`dask.array.map_blocks`, depending whether ``depth`` is present in ``fn_kwargs``. Only used when ``chunks != None``. Use ``depth`` to control boundary artifacts if ``func`` requires data from neighboring chunks, by default, ``boundary = 'reflect`` is used. Returns ------- If ``copy = True``, returns a new container with ``layer``. Raises ------ ValueError If the ``func`` returns 0 or 1 dimensional array. """ def apply_func(func: Callable[..., NDArrayA], arr: xr.DataArray) -> NDArrayA | da.Array: if chunks is None: return func(, **fn_kwargs) arr = da.asarray( return ( da.map_overlap(func, arr, **fn_kwargs, **kwargs) if "depth" in kwargs else da.map_blocks(func, arr, **fn_kwargs, **kwargs, dtype=arr.dtype) ) if "depth" in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault("boundary", "reflect") layer = self._get_layer(layer) if new_layer is None: new_layer = layer arr = self[layer] library_ids = list(arr.coords["z"].values) dims, channel_dim = arr.dims, arr.dims[-1] if channel is not None: arr = arr[{channel_dim: channel}] if callable(func): res = apply_func(func, arr) new_library_ids = library_ids else: res = {} noop_library_ids = [] if copy and drop else list(set(library_ids) - set(func.keys())) for key, fn in func.items(): res[key] = apply_func(fn, arr.sel(z=key)) for key in noop_library_ids: res[key] = arr.sel(z=key).data new_library_ids = [lid for lid in library_ids if lid in res] try: res = da.stack([res[lid] for lid in new_library_ids], axis=2) except ValueError as e: if not len(noop_library_ids) or "must have the same shape" not in str(e): # processing functions returned wrong shape raise ValueError( "Unable to stack an array because functions returned arrays of different shapes." ) from e # funcs might have changed channel dims, replace noops with 0 logg.warning( f"Function changed the number of channels, cannot use identity " f"for library ids `{noop_library_ids}`. Replacing with 0" ) # TODO(michalk8): once (or if) Z-dim is not fixed, always drop ids tmp = next(iter(res.values())) for lid in noop_library_ids: res[lid] = (np.zeros_like if chunks is None else da.zeros_like)(tmp) res = da.stack([res[lid] for lid in new_library_ids], axis=2) if res.ndim == 2: # assume that dims are y, x res = res[..., np.newaxis] if res.ndim == 3: # assume dims are y, x, z (changing of z dim is not supported) res = res[..., np.newaxis] if res.ndim != 4: raise ValueError(f"Expected `2`, `3` or `4` dimensional array, found `{res.ndim}`.") if copy: cont = ImageContainer( res, layer=new_layer, copy=True, lazy=lazy, dims=dims, library_id=new_library_ids, ) = return cont self.add_img( res, layer=new_layer, lazy=lazy, copy=new_layer != layer, dims=dims, library_id=new_library_ids, )
[docs] @d.dedent def subset(self, adata: AnnData, spatial_key: str = Key.obsm.spatial, copy: bool = False) -> AnnData: """ Subset :class:`anndata.AnnData` using this container. Useful when this container is a crop of the original image. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s %(spatial_key)s copy Whether to return a copy of ``adata``. Returns ------- Subset of :class:`anndata.AnnData`. """ c: CropCoords =, _NULL_COORDS) if c == _NULL_COORDS: # not a crop return adata.copy() if copy else adata _assert_spatial_basis(adata, spatial_key) coordinates = adata.obsm[spatial_key] coordinates = coordinates *, 1) mask = ( (coordinates[:, 0] >= c.x0) & (coordinates[:, 0] <= c.x1) & (coordinates[:, 1] >= c.y0) & (coordinates[:, 1] <= c.y1) ) return adata[mask, :].copy() if copy else adata[mask, :]
[docs] def rename(self, old: str, new: str) -> ImageContainer: """ Rename a layer. Parameters ---------- old Name of the layer to rename. new New name. Returns ------- Modifies and returns self. """ self._data ={old: new}) return self
[docs] def compute(self, layer: str | None = None) -> ImageContainer: """ Trigger lazy computation in-place. Parameters ---------- layer Layer which to compute. If `None`, compute all layers. Returns ------- Modifies and returns self. """ if layer is None: else: self[layer].load() return self
@property def library_ids(self) -> list[str]: """Library ids.""" try: return list(map(str,["z"].values)) except KeyError: return [] @library_ids.setter def library_ids(self, library_ids: str | Sequence[str] | Mapping[str, str]) -> None: """Set library ids.""" if isinstance(library_ids, Mapping): library_ids = [str(library_ids.get(lid, lid)) for lid in self.library_ids] elif isinstance(library_ids, str): library_ids = (library_ids,) library_ids = list(map(str, library_ids)) if len(set(library_ids)) != len(library_ids): raise ValueError(f"Remapped library ids must be unique, found `{library_ids}`.") self._data ={"z": library_ids}) @property def data(self) -> xr.Dataset: """Underlying :class:`xarray.Dataset`.""" return self._data @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """Image shape ``(y, x)``.""" if not len(self): return 0, 0 return["y"],["x"]
[docs] def copy(self, deep: bool = False) -> ImageContainer: """ Return a copy of self. Parameters ---------- deep Whether to make a deep copy or not. Returns ------- Copy of self. """ return deepcopy(self) if deep else copy(self)
@classmethod def _from_dataset(cls, data: xr.Dataset, deep: bool | None = None) -> ImageContainer: """ Utility function used for initialization. Parameters ---------- data The :class:`xarray.Dataset` to use. deep If `None`, don't copy the ``data``. If `True`, make a deep copy of the data, otherwise, make a shallow copy. Returns ------- The newly created container. """ # noqa: D401 res = cls() res._data = data if deep is None else data.copy(deep=deep) res._data.attrs.setdefault(Key.img.coords, _NULL_COORDS) # can't save None to NetCDF res._data.attrs.setdefault(Key.img.padding, _NULL_PADDING) res._data.attrs.setdefault(Key.img.scale, 1.0) res._data.attrs.setdefault(Key.img.mask_circle, False) return res def _maybe_as_array( self, as_array: str | Sequence[str] | bool = False, squeeze: bool = True, lazy: bool = True, ) -> ImageContainer | dict[str, NDArrayA] | NDArrayA | tuple[NDArrayA, ...]: res = self if as_array: # do not trigger dask computation res = {key: (res[key].data if lazy else res[key].values) for key in res} # type: ignore[assignment] if squeeze: axis = (2,) if len( == 1 else () res = { k: v.squeeze(axis=axis + ((3,) if v.shape[-1] == 1 else ())) for k, v in res.items() # type: ignore[assignment,attr-defined] } # this is just for convenience for DL iterators if isinstance(as_array, str): res = res[as_array] elif isinstance(as_array, Sequence): res = tuple(res[key] for key in as_array) # type: ignore[assignment] if lazy: return res return res.compute() if isinstance(res, ImageContainer) else res def _get_next_image_id(self, layer: str) -> str: pat = re.compile(rf"^{layer}_(\d*)$") iterator = chain.from_iterable(pat.finditer(k) for k in return f"{layer}_{(max((int(m.groups()[0]) for m in iterator), default=-1) + 1)}" def _get_next_channel_id(self, channel: str | xr.DataArray) -> str: if isinstance(channel, xr.DataArray): channel, *_ = (str(dim) for dim in channel.dims if dim not in ("y", "x", "z")) pat = re.compile(rf"^{channel}_(\d*)$") iterator = chain.from_iterable(pat.finditer(v.dims[-1]) for v in return f"{channel}_{(max((int(m.groups()[0]) for m in iterator), default=-1) + 1)}" def _get_library_id(self, library_id: str | None = None) -> str: self._assert_not_empty() if library_id is None: if len(self.library_ids) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Unable to determine which library id to use. Please supply one from `{self.library_ids}`." ) library_id = self.library_ids[0] if library_id not in self.library_ids: raise KeyError(f"Library id `{library_id}` not found in `{self.library_ids}`.") return library_id def _get_library_ids( self, library_id: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, arr: xr.DataArray | None = None, allow_new: bool = False, ) -> list[str]: """ Get library ids. Parameters ---------- library_id Requested library ids. arr If the current container is empty, try getting the library ids from the ``arr``. allow_new If `True`, don't check if the returned library ids are present in the non-empty container. This is set to `True` only in :meth:`concat` to allow for remapping. Returns ------- The library ids. """ if library_id is None: if len(self): library_id = self.library_ids elif isinstance(arr, xr.DataArray): try: library_id = list(arr.coords["z"].values) except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e: logg.warning(f"Unable to retrieve library ids, reason `{e}`. Using default names") # at this point, it should have Z-dim library_id = [str(i) for i in range(arr.sizes["z"])] else: raise ValueError("Please specify the number of library ids if the container is empty.") if isinstance(library_id, str): library_id = [library_id] if not isinstance(library_id, Iterable): raise TypeError(f"Expected library ids to be `iterable`, found `{type(library_id).__name__!r}`.") res = list(map(str, library_id)) if not len(res): raise ValueError("No library ids have been selected.") if not allow_new and len(self) and not (set(res) & set(self.library_ids)): raise ValueError(f"Invalid library ids have been selected `{res}`. Valid options are `{self.library_ids}`.") return res def _get_layer(self, layer: str | None) -> str: self._assert_not_empty() if layer is None: if len(self) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Unable to determine which layer to use. Please supply one from `{sorted(}`." ) layer = list(self)[0] if layer not in self: raise KeyError(f"Image layer `{layer}` not found in `{sorted(self)}`.") return layer def _assert_not_empty(self) -> None: if not len(self): raise ValueError("The container is empty.") def _get_size(self, size: FoI_t | tuple[FoI_t | None, FoI_t | None] | None) -> tuple[FoI_t, FoI_t]: if size is None: size = (None, None) if not isinstance(size, Iterable): size = (size, size) res = list(size) if size[0] is None: res[0] = self.shape[0] if size[1] is None: res[1] = self.shape[1] return tuple(res) # type: ignore[return-value] def _convert_to_pixel_space(self, size: tuple[FoI_t, FoI_t]) -> tuple[int, int]: y, x = size if isinstance(y, float): _assert_in_range(y, 0, 1, name="y") y = int(self.shape[0] * y) if isinstance(x, float): _assert_in_range(x, 0, 1, name="x") x = int(self.shape[1] * x) return y, x def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: del[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: yield from def __len__(self) -> int: return len( def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> xr.DataArray: return[key] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: NDArrayA | xr.DataArray | da.Array) -> None: if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray | xr.DataArray | da.Array): raise NotImplementedError(f"Adding `{type(value).__name__}` is not yet implemented.") self.add_img(value, layer=key, copy=True) def _ipython_key_completions_(self) -> Iterable[str]: return sorted(map(str, def __copy__(self) -> ImageContainer: return type(self)._from_dataset(, deep=False) def __deepcopy__(self, memodict: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({})) -> ImageContainer: return type(self)._from_dataset(, deep=True) def _repr_html_(self) -> str: import html if not len(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} object with 0 layers" inflection = "" if len(self) <= 1 else "s" s = f"{self.__class__.__name__} object with {len(} layer{inflection}:" style = "text-indent: 25px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" for i, layer in enumerate( s += f"<p style={style!r}><strong>{html.escape(str(layer))}</strong>: " s += ", ".join( f"<em>{html.escape(str(dim))}</em> ({shape})" for dim, shape in[layer].sizes.items() ) s += "</p>" if i == 9 and i < len(self) - 1: # show only first 10 layers s += f"<p style={style!r}>and {len(self) - i - 1} more...</p>" break return s def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[shape={self.shape}, layers={sorted(}]" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self)