Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (
    Union,  # noqa: F401

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from scanpy import logging as logg
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.segmentation import watershed

from squidpy._constants._constants import SegmentationBackend
from squidpy._constants._pkg_constants import Key
from squidpy._docs import d, inject_docs
from squidpy._utils import NDArrayA, singledispatchmethod
from import ImageContainer

__all__ = ["SegmentationModel", "SegmentationWatershed", "SegmentationCustom"]
_SEG_DTYPE = np.uint32
_SEG_DTYPE_N_BITS = _SEG_DTYPE(0).nbytes * 8

class SegmentationModel(ABC):
    Base class for all segmentation models.

    Contains core shared functions related to cell and nuclei segmentation.
    Specific segmentation models can be implemented by inheriting from this class.

        Underlying segmentation model.

    def __init__(
        model: Any,
        self._model = model

    @d.get_sections(base="segment", sections=["Parameters", "Returns"])
    def segment(self, img: NDArrayA | ImageContainer, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArrayA | ImageContainer:
        Segment an image.

            Only used when ``img`` is :class:``.
            Keyword arguments for the underlying ``model``.

        Segmentation mask for the high-resolution image of shape ``(height, width, z, 1)``.

            If the number of dimensions is neither 2 nor 3.
            If trying to segment a type for which the segmentation has not been registered.
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Segmentation of `{type(img).__name__}` is not yet implemented.")

    def _precondition(img: NDArrayA | da.Array) -> NDArrayA | da.Array:
        if img.ndim == 2:
            img = img[:, :, np.newaxis]
        if img.ndim != 3:
            raise ValueError(f"Expected `2` or `3` dimensions, found `{img.ndim}`.")

        return img

    def _postcondition(img: NDArrayA | da.Array) -> NDArrayA | da.Array:
        if img.ndim == 2:
            img = img[..., np.newaxis]
        if img.ndim != 3:
            raise ValueError(f"Expected segmentation to return `2` or `3` dimensional array, found `{img.ndim}`.")
        if not np.issubdtype(img.dtype, np.integer):
            raise TypeError(f"Expected segmentation to be of integer type, found `{img.dtype}`.")

        return img.astype(_SEG_DTYPE)

    def _(self, img: NDArrayA, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArrayA:
        chunks = kwargs.pop("chunks", None)
        if chunks is not None:
            return self.segment(da.asarray(img).rechunk(chunks), **kwargs)  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

        img = SegmentationModel._precondition(img)
        img = self._segment(img, **kwargs)
        return SegmentationModel._postcondition(img)

    def _(self, img: da.Array, chunks: str | int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArrayA:
        img = SegmentationModel._precondition(img)
        if chunks is not None:
            img = img.rechunk(chunks)

        shift = int( - 1).bit_length()
        kwargs.setdefault("depth", {0: 30, 1: 30})
        kwargs.setdefault("boundary", "reflect")

        img = da.map_overlap(
            drop_axis=img.ndim - 1,  # y, x, z, c; -1 seems to be bugged
        from dask_image.ndmeasure._utils._label import (

        # max because labels are not continuous (and won't be continuous)
        label_groups = label_adjacency_graph(img, None, img.max())
        new_labeling = connected_components_delayed(label_groups)
        relabeled = relabel_blocks(img, new_labeling)

        return SegmentationModel._postcondition(relabeled)

    def _(
        img: ImageContainer,
        layer: str,
        library_id: str | Sequence[str],
        channel: int | None = None,
        fn_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({}),
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> ImageContainer:
        channel_dim = img[layer].dims[-1]
        if img[layer].shape[-1] == 1:
            new_channel_dim = channel_dim
            new_channel_dim = f"{channel_dim}:{'all' if channel is None else channel}"

        _ = kwargs.pop("copy", None)
        # TODO(michalk8): allow volumetric segmentation? (precondition/postcondition needs change)
        if isinstance(library_id, str):
            func = {library_id: self.segment}
        elif isinstance(library_id, Sequence):
            func = {lid: self.segment for lid in library_id}
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected library id to be `None` or of type `str` or `sequence`, found `{type(library_id).__name__}`."

        res: ImageContainer = img.apply(func, layer=layer, channel=channel, fn_kwargs=fn_kwargs, copy=True, **kwargs)
        res._data ={channel_dim: new_channel_dim})

        for k in res:
            res[k].attrs["segmentation"] = True

        return res

    def _segment(self, arr: NDArrayA, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArrayA:

    def _segment_chunk(
        block: NDArrayA,
        block_id: tuple[int, ...],
        num_blocks: tuple[int, ...],
        shift: int,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> NDArrayA:
        if len(num_blocks) == 2:
            block_num = block_id[0] * num_blocks[1] + block_id[1]
        elif len(num_blocks) == 3:
            block_num = block_id[0] * (num_blocks[1] * num_blocks[2]) + block_id[1] * num_blocks[2]
        elif len(num_blocks) == 4:
            if num_blocks[-1] != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Expected the number of blocks in the Z-dimension to be `1`, found `{num_blocks[-1]}`."
            block_num = block_id[0] * (num_blocks[1] * num_blocks[2]) + block_id[1] * num_blocks[2]
            raise ValueError(f"Expected either `2`, `3` or `4` dimensional chunks, found `{len(num_blocks)}`.")

        labels = self._segment(block, **kwargs).astype(_SEG_DTYPE)
        mask: NDArrayA = labels > 0
        labels[mask] = (labels[mask] << shift) | block_num

        return labels

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return repr(self)

[docs] class SegmentationWatershed(SegmentationModel): """Segmentation model based on :mod:`skimage` watershed segmentation.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(model=None) def _segment( self, arr: NDArrayA, thresh: float | None = None, geq: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArrayA | da.Array: arr = arr.squeeze(-1) # we always pass a 3D image if thresh is None: thresh = threshold_otsu(arr) mask: NDArrayA = (arr >= thresh) if geq else (arr < thresh) distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(mask) coords = peak_local_max(distance, footprint=np.ones((5, 5)), labels=mask) local_maxi = np.zeros(distance.shape, dtype=np.bool_) local_maxi[tuple(coords.T)] = True markers, _ = ndi.label(local_maxi) return np.asarray(watershed(-distance, markers, mask=mask))
[docs] class SegmentationCustom(SegmentationModel): """ Segmentation model based on a user-defined function. Parameters ---------- func Segmentation function to use. Can be any :func:`callable`, as long as it has the following signature: :class:`numpy.ndarray` ``(height, width, channels)`` **->** :class:`numpy.ndarray` ``(height, width[, 1])``. The segmentation must be of :class:`numpy.uint32` type, where 0 marks background. """ def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., NDArrayA]): if not callable(func): raise TypeError() super().__init__(model=func) def _segment(self, arr: NDArrayA, **kwargs: Any) -> NDArrayA: return np.asarray(self._model(arr, **kwargs)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[function={getattr(self._model, '__name__', None)}]" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self)
[docs] @d.dedent @inject_docs(m=SegmentationBackend) def segment( img: ImageContainer, layer: str | None = None, library_id: str | Sequence[str] | None = None, method: str | SegmentationModel | Callable[..., NDArrayA] = "watershed", channel: int | None = 0, chunks: str | int | tuple[int, int] | None = None, lazy: bool = False, layer_added: str | None = None, copy: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ImageContainer | None: """ Segment an image. Parameters ---------- %(img_container)s %(img_layer)s %(library_id)s If `None`, all Z-dimensions are segmented separately. method Segmentation method to use. Valid options are: - `{m.WATERSHED.s!r}` - :func:`skimage.segmentation.watershed`. %(custom_fn)s channel Channel index to use for segmentation. If `None`, use all channels. %(chunks_lazy)s %(layer_added)s If `None`, use ``'segmented_{{model}}'``. thresh Threshold for creation of masked image. The areas to segment should be contained in this mask. If `None`, it is determined by `Otsu's method <>`_. Only used if ``method = {m.WATERSHED.s!r}``. geq Treat ``thresh`` as upper or lower bound for defining areas to segment. If ``geq = True``, mask is defined as ``mask = arr >= thresh``, meaning high values in ``arr`` denote areas to segment. Only used if ``method = {m.WATERSHED.s!r}``. %(copy_cont)s %(segment_kwargs)s Returns ------- If ``copy = True``, returns a new container with the segmented image in ``'{{layer_added}}'``. Otherwise, modifies the ``img`` with the following key: - :class:`` ``['{{layer_added}}']`` - the segmented image. """ layer = img._get_layer(layer) kind = SegmentationBackend.CUSTOM if callable(method) else SegmentationBackend(method) layer_new = Key.img.segment(kind, layer_added=layer_added) kwargs["chunks"] = chunks library_id = img._get_library_ids(library_id) if not isinstance(method, SegmentationModel): if kind == SegmentationBackend.WATERSHED: if channel is None and img[layer].shape[-1] > 1: raise ValueError("Watershed segmentation does not work with multiple channels.") method: SegmentationModel = SegmentationWatershed() # type: ignore[no-redef] elif kind == SegmentationBackend.CUSTOM: if not callable(method): raise TypeError(f"Expected `method` to be a callable, found `{type(method)}`.") method = SegmentationCustom(func=method) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Model `{kind}` is not yet implemented.") if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(method, SegmentationModel) start ="Segmenting an image of shape `{img[layer].shape}` using `{method}`") res: ImageContainer = method.segment( img, layer=layer, channel=channel, library_id=library_id, chunks=None, fn_kwargs=kwargs, copy=True, drop=copy, lazy=lazy, )"Finish", time=start) if copy: return res.rename(layer, layer_new) img.add_img( res[layer], layer=layer_new, copy=False, lazy=lazy, dims=res[layer].dims, library_id=res[layer].coords["z"].values, )