Source code for

"""Functions for neighborhood enrichment analysis (permutation test, centralities measures etc.)."""

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from typing import (
    Union,  # noqa: F401

import networkx as nx
import numba.types as nt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anndata import AnnData
from numba import njit, prange  # noqa: F401
from pandas import CategoricalDtype
from scanpy import logging as logg
from spatialdata import SpatialData

from squidpy._constants._constants import Centrality
from squidpy._constants._pkg_constants import Key
from squidpy._docs import d, inject_docs
from squidpy._utils import NDArrayA, Signal, SigQueue, _get_n_cores, parallelize
from import (

__all__ = ["nhood_enrichment", "centrality_scores", "interaction_matrix"]

dt = nt.uint32  # data type aliases (both for numpy and numba should match)
ndt = np.uint32
_template = """
@njit(dt[:, :](dt[:], dt[:], dt[:]), parallel={parallel}, fastmath=True)
def _nenrich_{n_cls}_{parallel}(indices: NDArrayA, indptr: NDArrayA, clustering: NDArrayA) -> np.ndarray:
    Count how many times clusters :math:`i` and :math:`j` are connected.

        Array of shape ``(n_cells,)`` containig cluster labels ranging from `0` to `n_clusters - 1` inclusive.

        Array of shape ``(n_clusters, n_clusters)`` containing the pairwise counts.
    res = np.zeros((indptr.shape[0] - 1, {n_cls}), dtype=ndt)

    for i in prange(res.shape[0]):
        xs, xe = indptr[i], indptr[i + 1]
        cols = indices[xs:xe]
        for c in cols:
            res[i, clustering[c]] += 1

def _create_function(n_cls: int, parallel: bool = False) -> Callable[[NDArrayA, NDArrayA, NDArrayA], NDArrayA]:
    Create a :mod:`numba` function which counts the number of connections between clusters.

        Number of clusters. We're assuming that cluster labels are `0`, `1`, ..., `n_cls - 1`.
        Whether to enable :mod:`numba` parallelization.

    The aforementioned function.
    if n_cls <= 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Expected at least `2` clusters, found `{n_cls}`.")

    rng = range(n_cls)
    init = "".join(
    g{i} = np.zeros(({n_cls},), dtype=ndt)"""
        for i in rng

    loop_body = """
        if cl == 0:
            g0 += res[row]"""
    loop_body = loop_body + "".join(
        elif cl == {i}:
            g{i} += res[row]"""
        for i in range(1, n_cls)
    loop = f"""
    for row in prange(res.shape[0]):
        cl = clustering[row]
            assert False, "Unhandled case."
    finalize = ", ".join(f"g{i}" for i in rng)
    finalize = f"return np.stack(({finalize}))"  # must really be a tuple

    fn_key = f"_nenrich_{n_cls}_{parallel}"
    if fn_key not in globals():
        template = _template.format(init=init, loop=loop, finalize=finalize, n_cls=n_cls, parallel=parallel)
        exec(compile(template, "", "exec"), globals())

    return globals()[fn_key]  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

[docs] @d.get_sections(base="nhood_ench", sections=["Parameters"]) @d.dedent def nhood_enrichment( adata: AnnData | SpatialData, cluster_key: str, library_key: str | None = None, connectivity_key: str | None = None, n_perms: int = 1000, numba_parallel: bool = False, seed: int | None = None, copy: bool = False, n_jobs: int | None = None, backend: str = "loky", show_progress_bar: bool = True, ) -> tuple[NDArrayA, NDArrayA] | None: """ Compute neighborhood enrichment by permutation test. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s %(cluster_key)s %(library_key)s %(conn_key)s %(n_perms)s %(numba_parallel)s %(seed)s %(copy)s %(parallelize)s Returns ------- If ``copy = True``, returns a :class:`tuple` with the z-score and the enrichment count. Otherwise, modifies the ``adata`` with the following keys: - :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{cluster_key}_nhood_enrichment']['zscore']`` - the enrichment z-score. - :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{cluster_key}_nhood_enrichment']['count']`` - the enrichment count. """ if isinstance(adata, SpatialData): adata = adata.table connectivity_key = Key.obsp.spatial_conn(connectivity_key) _assert_categorical_obs(adata, cluster_key) _assert_connectivity_key(adata, connectivity_key) _assert_positive(n_perms, name="n_perms") adj = adata.obsp[connectivity_key] original_clust = adata.obs[cluster_key] clust_map = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(} # map categories int_clust = np.array([clust_map[c] for c in original_clust], dtype=ndt) if library_key is not None: _assert_categorical_obs(adata, key=library_key) libraries: pd.Series | None = adata.obs[library_key] else: libraries = None indices, indptr = (adj.indices.astype(ndt), adj.indptr.astype(ndt)) n_cls = len(clust_map) _test = _create_function(n_cls, parallel=numba_parallel) count = _test(indices, indptr, int_clust) n_jobs = _get_n_cores(n_jobs) start ="Calculating neighborhood enrichment using `{n_jobs}` core(s)") perms = parallelize( _nhood_enrichment_helper, collection=np.arange(n_perms).tolist(), extractor=np.vstack, n_jobs=n_jobs, backend=backend, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, )(callback=_test, indices=indices, indptr=indptr, int_clust=int_clust, libraries=libraries, n_cls=n_cls, seed=seed) zscore = (count - perms.mean(axis=0)) / perms.std(axis=0) if copy: return zscore, count _save_data( adata, attr="uns", key=Key.uns.nhood_enrichment(cluster_key), data={"zscore": zscore, "count": count}, time=start, )
[docs] @d.dedent @inject_docs(c=Centrality) def centrality_scores( adata: AnnData | SpatialData, cluster_key: str, score: str | Iterable[str] | None = None, connectivity_key: str | None = None, copy: bool = False, n_jobs: int | None = None, backend: str = "loky", show_progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame | None: """ Compute centrality scores per cluster or cell type. Inspired by usage in Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) in :cite:`celloracle`. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s %(cluster_key)s score Centrality measures as described in :mod:`networkx.algorithms.centrality` :cite:`networkx`. If `None`, use all the options below. Valid options are: - `{c.CLOSENESS.s!r}` - measure of how close the group is to other nodes. - `{c.CLUSTERING.s!r}` - measure of the degree to which nodes cluster together. - `{c.DEGREE.s!r}` - fraction of non-group members connected to group members. %(conn_key)s %(copy)s %(parallelize)s Returns ------- If ``copy = True``, returns a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Otherwise, modifies the ``adata`` with the following key: - :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{{cluster_key}}_centrality_scores']`` - the centrality scores, as mentioned above. """ if isinstance(adata, SpatialData): adata = adata.table connectivity_key = Key.obsp.spatial_conn(connectivity_key) _assert_categorical_obs(adata, cluster_key) _assert_connectivity_key(adata, connectivity_key) if isinstance(score, (str, Centrality)): centrality = [score] elif score is None: centrality = [c.s for c in Centrality] centralities = [Centrality(c) for c in centrality] graph = nx.Graph(adata.obsp[connectivity_key]) cat = adata.obs[cluster_key].cat.categories.values clusters = adata.obs[cluster_key].values fun_dict = {} for c in centralities: if c == Centrality.CLOSENESS: fun_dict[c.s] = partial(nx.algorithms.centrality.group_closeness_centrality, graph) elif c == Centrality.DEGREE: fun_dict[c.s] = partial(nx.algorithms.centrality.group_degree_centrality, graph) elif c == Centrality.CLUSTERING: fun_dict[c.s] = partial(nx.algorithms.cluster.average_clustering, graph) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Centrality `{c}` is not yet implemented.") n_jobs = _get_n_cores(n_jobs) start ="Calculating centralities `{centralities}` using `{n_jobs}` core(s)") res_list = [] for k, v in fun_dict.items(): df = parallelize( _centrality_scores_helper, collection=cat, extractor=pd.concat, n_jobs=n_jobs, backend=backend, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, )(clusters=clusters, fun=v, method=k) res_list.append(df) df = pd.concat(res_list, axis=1) if copy: return df _save_data(adata, attr="uns", key=Key.uns.centrality_scores(cluster_key), data=df, time=start)
[docs] @d.dedent def interaction_matrix( adata: AnnData | SpatialData, cluster_key: str, connectivity_key: str | None = None, normalized: bool = False, copy: bool = False, weights: bool = False, ) -> NDArrayA | None: """ Compute interaction matrix for clusters. Parameters ---------- %(adata)s %(cluster_key)s %(conn_key)s normalized If `True`, each row is normalized to sum to 1. %(copy)s weights Whether to use edge weights or binarize. Returns ------- If ``copy = True``, returns the interaction matrix. Otherwise, modifies the ``adata`` with the following key: - :attr:`anndata.AnnData.uns` ``['{cluster_key}_interactions']`` - the interaction matrix. """ if isinstance(adata, SpatialData): adata = adata.table connectivity_key = Key.obsp.spatial_conn(connectivity_key) _assert_categorical_obs(adata, cluster_key) _assert_connectivity_key(adata, connectivity_key) cats = adata.obs[cluster_key] mask = ~pd.isnull(cats).values cats = cats.loc[mask] if not len(cats): raise RuntimeError(f"After removing NaNs in `adata.obs[{cluster_key!r}]`, none remain.") g = adata.obsp[connectivity_key] g = g[mask, :][:, mask] n_cats = len( g_data = if weights else np.broadcast_to(1, shape=len( dtype = int if pd.api.types.is_bool_dtype(g.dtype) or pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(g.dtype) else float output = np.zeros((n_cats, n_cats), dtype=dtype) # type: ignore[var-annotated] _interaction_matrix(g_data, g.indices, g.indptr,, output) if normalized: output = output / output.sum(axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) if copy: return output _save_data(adata, attr="uns", key=Key.uns.interaction_matrix(cluster_key), data=output)
@njit def _interaction_matrix( data: NDArrayA, indices: NDArrayA, indptr: NDArrayA, cats: NDArrayA, output: NDArrayA ) -> NDArrayA: indices_list = np.split(indices, indptr[1:-1]) data_list = np.split(data, indptr[1:-1]) for i in range(len(data_list)): cur_row = cats[i] cur_indices = indices_list[i] cur_data = data_list[i] for j, val in zip(cur_indices, cur_data): cur_col = cats[j] output[cur_row, cur_col] += val return output def _centrality_scores_helper( cat: Iterable[Any], clusters: Sequence[str], fun: Callable[..., float], method: str, queue: SigQueue | None = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: res_list = [] for c in cat: idx = np.where(clusters == c)[0] res = fun(idx) res_list.append(res) if queue is not None: queue.put(Signal.UPDATE) if queue is not None: queue.put(Signal.FINISH) return pd.DataFrame(res_list, columns=[method], index=cat) def _nhood_enrichment_helper( ixs: NDArrayA, callback: Callable[[NDArrayA, NDArrayA, NDArrayA], NDArrayA], indices: NDArrayA, indptr: NDArrayA, int_clust: NDArrayA, libraries: pd.Series[CategoricalDtype] | None, n_cls: int, seed: int | None = None, queue: SigQueue | None = None, ) -> NDArrayA: perms = np.empty((len(ixs), n_cls, n_cls), dtype=np.float64) int_clust = int_clust.copy() # threading rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=None if seed is None else seed + ixs[0]) for i in range(len(ixs)): if libraries is not None: int_clust = _shuffle_group(int_clust, libraries, rs) else: rs.shuffle(int_clust) perms[i, ...] = callback(indices, indptr, int_clust) if queue is not None: queue.put(Signal.UPDATE) if queue is not None: queue.put(Signal.FINISH) return perms